This is the familiar question we asked in our life journey; especially when we face various trails and difficulty in life. Sometime uncertain future, unexpected circumstances may cause us to ask this question. But one way or other we all ask God why? Why that’s happened to me? Why that happened to a good believer?
Bibles reveals to us that our God who is a sovereign God and God in his sovereignty he chooses to do certain things in His creation. As we see in Jeremiah 18, God is a potter and we are the clay in His hands; so God has ultimate control over events in our lives.
When we see the people from Bible; God never answer to the WHY part of their life but sometime in life God will reveal to you for what He allows you to go through the trails. If we see the life of Joseph; he was devoted to God and was having good life. But in the life journey he faced various trials such as his own brothers betrayed him, he was in the jail for his purity, etc.
Sometimes, it seems as if there is no point for going through trails. However, you know the true God and that He always has a purpose- whether you understand it or not why?
When the trial was over, God exalted Joseph. He even got his family back. God exceedingly blessed him.
Finally Joseph is telling his brothers in Genesis 50:20 “you intended it to harm me, but God intended it all for good”.
God never revealed WHY part of the life but sometime on the journey he will revel to you for what He allows trails or certain things in your life. Our God is sovereign God!